Mobile Checkout Testing

Company: Academy Sports + Outdoors
Skills: Task Analysis, Competitive Analysis, A/B Testing, Javascript/CSS

Our mobile website was rather new and we hadn't done much testing, if any. I took the initiative and decided to draft a study on task completion. I identified a few of the most common tasks on our mobile website and authored a test on The results shed light on a significant pain point in our mobile checkout flow that would likely reduce cart abandonment and improve conversion if we were to tackle it.


User testing

Ok, I don’t want to sign in. I don’t know if I really want to create an account. Is there no…oh!

9 of 10 users

immediately concluded that they needed to sign in or create an account to checkout


Competitive Analysis

This research tool can serve as to uncover inspiration. However, in this case I wanted to study the landscape to see if there were any mobile conventions that I might be unaware of that should shape my design direction. 


4 of 10 sites

skipped a checkout login page entirely

1 of 10 sites

invited customers to create an account at the same point in the funnel.


A/B Testing

I crafted a quick experiment in Monetate to test a different layout. The proposed design hid the title bars and the "Create Account" button which I concluded were unnecessary noise. Additionally, the design changed the hierarchy of information to better direct the user's eye.




projected incremental revenue


Lift conversion


Lift new customer conversion


lift cart abandonment